Tuesday, September 26, 2006

help: photo project

i need a photo project. I'm suffering from a creative drought, a photographers block, as others would term it. lately, no opportunities - lakwatsa - have arisen to inspire me to shoot. i miss shooting but cant find myself to shoot something. id like to try food photography and do food critiquing but my "powers" are not adequate. i love eating, and it is somehow a disadvantage - i eat almost anything! from your source-of-daily-recommended-allowance-of-hepatitis isaw to the fancy-schmanzy-blow-your-savings-fine-dining italian delight at il' incontro, makati. i consider myself a foodie - ive been to and seen a lot of eating places and recommended many to friends. but my creativity simply doesn't work when I'm hungry.

alas, while looking for a wedding gift for a friend, i saw a coffee table book - "Filipina" - containing beautiful portraits of filipino women. I'm now thinking of making a similar gallery of friends. now i no longer need to travel to far places and get that prized picture. i just hope they would be cooperative enough to allow me to take their picture.

here's to more friendster pictures on your galleries!